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Adult Boulder League

Adult Boulder League

The BlocHaven Boulder League series is meant to be a tool to help build and strengthen our community. It’s a chance for climbers of any and all ability levels to come together, support one another, and cheer each other on.

Whether you are looking for:

  • Accountability
  • A way to connect
  • A way to push yourself
  • A way to just have some fun
  • Or even if you’re just there for the cool shirts

We are so excited to have you join the league!

NOTE: We have adjusted out scoring to make things more accurate and equitable for ALL grade levels!!

How it works

4 weeks of friendly competition starting August 15th thru September 11th

Boulder league meets on Thursday evenings after the new sets go up. BUT, you can log your climbs anytime throughout the week if you can’t make it Thursday, it’s just fun to climb with everyone!

Teams of 3.

*** Boulder League climbs will be set on the Comp Wall (and comp wall only) each week!

***The regular rotation climbs that go up on the comp wall CANNOT be logged for points. 

*** This means you must get your climbs in before the new set goes up each week AND log your climbs in Kaya before the week ends. More details below under SCORING.

Teams can be created by you in Kaya or chosen by Brittany (You’ll receive an email from her as we get closer, but if you have questions feel free to email HERE)

Logging climbs and scoring is done via the KAYA app.

We will host an end of league party, announce the winning team, and hand out the shirts and prizes on September 12th!

The highest scoring team, and overall highest scoring male and female will take home prizes and bragging rights!


Scores are based on your top 8 climbs over the 4 week period

***YOU WILL NEED to log climbs each week in kaya.

There isn’t a max number of climbs you have to send each week. 


After climbs are stripped, Kaya will not let you upload those climbs. 

Scoring is recorded in KAYA

You will have to log your climbs each week before the following THURSDAY. 

Kaya will require a video

This is a way for us to ensure there is no cheating. (People claiming climbs they didn’t in fact finish.) It’s also a great tool for all of you to learn from other climbers by checking out their beta.

And most importantly it really helps the routesetting team in their development and to learn how they can better serve all of you. 

We provide tripods, and the easiest way that we’ve found is to just record your attempts outside of the app and then go back into the app later and load your send video and the other info in. 


  • If you send 5 out of your 8 climbs in the grade above your registered VMAX, you will be bumped to the next grade.
  • If you send a climb that is 2 grades or more above your VMAX, you will be bumped to the next grade. 
  • If you FLASH 2 climbs above your registered VMAX, you will be bumped to the next grade.

Which climbs count?

The climbs included in the challenge will be the new ones added to the COMP WALL each Thursday starting August 15th. 

*Brittany will keep an eye on scores, and bump people according to the above rules as needed. In the past Kaya has had issues with its scoring, we believe we have resolved those issues this time. In the end, Brittany will double check and calculate the final scores.


The competitors’ score is directly related to their handicap (registered V-max grade: see definition below). 

Designed to allow all users to compete regardless of skill level, scoring is based off of the climber’s self-reported V-Max (a grade you can complete in 5 attempts on a regular basis) 

  • 100 points will be given for routes you complete at your V-Max grade 

  • 10 additional points given for every grade above that EXCEPT at grades V6 and above. See below**

  • 20 points subtracted for climbs below your V-Max 

  • 1 point will also be deducted for each attempt at a climb but will stop deducting after 5 points/attempts. But you can attempt as many times as you need. 

**This adjustment should create a more balanced scoring system for our climbers at a higher grade level. (There are fewer of these climbs, so less opportunities AND the growth level is much slower at the higher level than it is for our newer climbers, so less opportunity to collect higher point levels).

V6 is scored at 115 points

V7 = 125

V8 = 135

V9 = 145

V10+ = 155

The shirt

Registration includes the new Boulder League t-shirt

The size you select in KAYA is the size that is ordered, we don’t order extra so please be sure to choose wisely!

Unisex Short Sleeve Tri Blend Tee


The Rules and lingo

Must be at least 18 yrs of age to join

  • You must establish on the start hold(s) and the foot(feet) provided before moving to the next hold.
  • Finishing a climb only counts when you finish on the provided finish hold (top of the wall if no Top tag is provided) and maintain control for 3 seconds.
  • Repeating climbs does not count.


An attempt is anytime your feet leave the ground.

Bolt holes: 

The holes in holds themselves are considered “on”. But they can be dangerous, use at your own risk.

T-nut holes:

The holes in the actual walls or volumes, are considered “OFF”. 


Volumes are considered an extension of the wall and always ON for hands or feet. 


A flash is finishing the climb on your first attempt.


An onsight is finishing a climb on your first attempt without ever getting any prior knowledge. So, seeing other people climb it. 
*An onsight doesn’t give you any more points in terms of the challenge in Kaya, but Kaya does track those things for its trophies and awards system within the app itself. 


Two Steps!

  • Purchase your league ticket with us, you’ll receive an email asking for your shirt size and V-Max
  • Then join the actual event in KAYA below

You will need to download the free KAYA app

You will be asked:

What is your harded skill level?This is your V-Max (a grade you can complete in 5 attempts on a regular basis) 

Team Set Up3 Options:

  • Create a Team (if you want to start a team for people to join)
  • Join a Team(if you know of a team you are going to join)
  • Free Agent (Brittany will assign you a team)