Become a Member Today!
Become a Member and Join the Community!
Thank you for supporting our community at BlocHaven!
Membership Benefits
Unlimited Rentals for First Month of Membership
Two Guest Passes a Month
10% off Retail and Cafe Purchases
Free or Discounted Classes including Yoga, Fitness, Technique Classes, etc.
5% Discount at Greenville Magnetic South
– Monthly –
$ 84
Prepaid Monthly, plus $25 Enrollment Fee
$50 Cancellation Fee
*within first 4 months of use*
– Annual –
$ 880
Prepaid Annually
No Enrollment Fee
– Monthly –
$ 159
Prepaid Monthly, plus $50 Enrollment Fee
$50 Cancellation Fee
*within first 4 months of use*
Base price is a one month membership
for 2 family members
Families, for the purpose of a family membership
consists of 2 people, either 2 adults over the age of 18 (living at the same residence) or an adult and their dependent child
If not a dependent, please provide a utility bill, credit card statement, lease agreement, mortgage statement, or SC license with this address
Additional family members may be added
at $42 per person per month. (Either a dependent of ‘parent’ or living under the same residence)
If not a dependent, please provide a utility bill, credit card statement, lease agreement, mortgage statement, or SC license with this address
Families of more than 2 qualify for a 20% discount off of every Add-on family member, after the base price of the first two.
If you have a family of more than 4 that are interested in a membership, please reach out to
$ 1650
Prepaid Annually
No Enrollment Fee
Base price is a one-year membership
for 2 family members
Families, for the purpose of a family membership
consists of 2 people, either 2 adults over the age of 18 (living at the same residence) or an adult and their dependent child
If not a dependent, please provide a utility bill, credit card statement, lease agreement, mortgage statement, or SC license with this address
Additional family members may be added
at $420 per person annually.
If not a dependent, please provide a utility bill, credit card statement, lease agreement, mortgage statement, or SC license with this address
Price covers 3 months of membership, purchased in full, for 1 individual.
Special rates
Require Verification through a Crew Member
20 % off Monthly rate
Military/First Responders
Adaptive/Individual with a Disability